
Alternate Nostril Breath / Nadi Shoddhona
Alternate Nostril Breath / Nadi Shoddhona balances prana flow in two of the major nadis: Ida and Pingala, which end at the left and right nostrils, respectively, and harmonizes the right and left hemispheres of the brain. This pranayama has been shown to improve nervous system resiliency by activating the vagus nerve and enhancing heart rate variability.

The New Paradigm of Pain
Six weeks ago, I injured my tailbone. It was quite severe. I slipped down some stairs, bouncing on my booty a handful of times before I made it to the bottom. I immediately stood up without a sense of pain. I was at a going-away party for a friend of my husband’s and I hardly knew anyone there. I felt embarrassed. I wasn’t ignoring the pain … it simply wasn’t present. I continued my conversations with others for another 10 minutes or so. Then we left, and by the time I made it to our car, I was in excruciating pain.