
Vayu Yoga and Elemental Yoga
Asana, Breath, mindfulness, Yoga, Yoga Psychology Emily Light Asana, Breath, mindfulness, Yoga, Yoga Psychology Emily Light

Vayu Yoga and Elemental Yoga

You have already experienced what I've outlined in this article. You know what it feels like to root down into the ground, or to lift up toward the sky. You know how it feels to get really big and expansive, and how it feels to get really small and contracted. Your body knows what it feels like to receive and take in, and what it feels like to release and let go.

My intention here is to offer some guidance on ways to attune to that which is already occurring within you. When we build awareness of how our bodies and minds move, we have a greater capacity to utilize our yoga tools therapeutically. With a heightened sensitivity of these movements and actions, we're able to refine our practices to best support our needs, and our needs as they change.

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Lessons from Mala
Meditation, Yoga Emily Light Meditation, Yoga Emily Light

Lessons from Mala

I walked into my dark, quiet studio ... the morning light had yet to creep through the windows. While my eyes were adjusting, I squatted-down to place my blanket and cushion in front of my altar. Then, I stood up and walked across the cool floor to retrieve my practice shawl, a lime green, airy shawl that Swamiji gave me four Christmases ago, when I was visiting India and studying at his ashram. I also grabbed my wooden mala.

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