
Root and Nourish: Practices to Calm and Soothe Vata
Here we are… there are no shortage of challenging circumstances to navigate and process right now. Vata season has arrived (for my northern hemisphere friends), and even in a non-pandemic, election, crazy-town year, this seasonal shift can result in feelings of anxiety, anger, insomnia and overwhelm.
Vata is one of the three Ayurvedic constitutional types/doshas, with pitta and kapha making up the other two. We all have a unique mix of these three doshas.

The Buzzing Breath / Brahmari Pranayama
This is a great pranayama for focusing the mind, because you’re making a sound. Other benefits of this breathing exercise include: pain management, and breaking up congestion and stagnation in the physical body and the nadis. You can change the pitch of the sound to vibrate different areas of the body. Try this pranayama when the mind is distracted, when there’s pain or a sense of inertia. Buzz as loud as you can without creating tension in your face, jaw, or neck. Try buzzing in different postures, like sitting, standing with feet hip width, laying down, in Warrior II pose, etc. You can also plug your ears with your thumbs and rest your fingertips on your scalp to bring your attention more internal.

The New Paradigm of Pain
Six weeks ago, I injured my tailbone. It was quite severe. I slipped down some stairs, bouncing on my booty a handful of times before I made it to the bottom. I immediately stood up without a sense of pain. I was at a going-away party for a friend of my husband’s and I hardly knew anyone there. I felt embarrassed. I wasn’t ignoring the pain … it simply wasn’t present. I continued my conversations with others for another 10 minutes or so. Then we left, and by the time I made it to our car, I was in excruciating pain.