
Energize in Kapha Season
Kapha season is upon us. The fertile mud gives rise to the buds, flowers and foliage of Mother Nature. Similarly, the earth and water elements in us provide a stable and rich foundation from which we can spring forth. Kapha is the season of growth and upward movement. We emerge from our cold weather introversion, stillness and hibernation, toward manifesting that which we've dreamt of over the dark months.In all of my classes this month, I'll be explaining the Kapha dosha and how to practice in a way that aligns with the current season: late winter through spring. We'll focus on postures, breathing exercises, mindfulness tools, and inner teachings which compliment, celebrate and balance what's happening outside in nature, because what's happening outside is happening inside as well.Join me and learn how to engage with your practice skillfully and intentionally for the Kapha season.

Springtime Digestion and Detox Organ Support
Spring is in the air, whether it's a brief ray of sun carrying with it the promise of warmth, or a breeze with a lingering hope of a lazy afternoon picnic, the season is shifting, and the body is following suit.Springtime is optimal for supporting the body's detox organs and giving the digestive system a bit of a break. The colder months are fading away, as is our need to insulate and hibernate.