
Standing Hand to Big Toe Pose / Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
In yoga there are many balancing postures where we’re standing on one leg with the other lifted in a variety of positions. And, off the mat, we’re in a one-legged balance posture for a moment in time every step we take. Having good balance is an important part of our health, and one that becomes even more so as the years go by.

How To Rock a Handstand
Happy October! In all of my classes this month, I'll be teaching a series focused on strength and conditioning exercises to prepare for Handstand. Handstand! One of the most elusive and enticing postures I've come across. There's something so, so sweet about balancing on my hands, and feeling all my muscles in precise orchestration. Handstand requires strength, balance, mobility, theright breath, state of mind and gaze point.