
Trapped Speed and How to Slow Down
I returned home Sunday evening from a glorious few days of resting and recharging in the Tillamook Forest. Mike, Luna and I luxuriated in a life without clocks, texts, or emails (a regular occurrence for Luna ;). We woke up with the sun and brewed tea. Warm tea always tastes better while sitting outside on a cool morning. We hiked mystery trails not knowing where they went, and sometimes where we were. We ate our first meal when the sun was nearing its high point, and then made our way to a swimming hole in the Wilson River. There we swam in the crisp and clear, gently flowing water, and when sufficiently cooled, we warmed ourselves on the perfectly sculpted, smooth rocks. When the sun began its descent below the canopy of the trees, we found a comfy spot to read (non-yoga!) books, and napped. After about 24 hours of this rhythm, my internal pace began to shift gears.

Excess Pitta
How to Summer Wisely
Revolved Head to Knee pose / Parivritta Janu Sirsana - This is a great pose for pitta season!

Electrolyte Replacement Drink
I shared this recipe last summer, and here it is again, easy for you to find :)With all of the fun activities filling these hot, dry, summer months, it's important to relax and stay cool. Counteracting the effects of the elements we're exposed to, including the sun, is critical to our health. The following recipe is for an Ayurvedic, electrolyte replacement drink. This has SAVED MY LIFE a number of times last summer and with the Pacific NW heat wave that hit us for this last week, I'm pretty sure it's saved my life already some this year too.