
Root and Nourish: Practices to Calm and Soothe Vata
Asana, Ayurveda, Breath, Meditation, mindfulness, Yoga Emily Light Asana, Ayurveda, Breath, Meditation, mindfulness, Yoga Emily Light

Root and Nourish: Practices to Calm and Soothe Vata

Here we are… there are no shortage of challenging circumstances to navigate and process right now. Vata season has arrived (for my northern hemisphere friends), and even in a non-pandemic, election, crazy-town year, this seasonal shift can result in feelings of anxiety, anger, insomnia and overwhelm.

Vata is one of the three Ayurvedic constitutional types/doshas, with pitta and kapha making up the other two. We all have a unique mix of these three doshas.

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Standing Hand to Big Toe Pose / Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
Anatomy / Postures, Asana, Breath, Yoga Emily Light Anatomy / Postures, Asana, Breath, Yoga Emily Light

Standing Hand to Big Toe Pose / Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana

In yoga there are many balancing postures where we’re standing on one leg with the other lifted in a variety of positions. And, off the mat, we’re in a one-legged balance posture for a moment in time every step we take. Having good balance is an important part of our health, and one that becomes even more so as the years go by.

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Brahmana and Langhana

Brahmana and Langhana

As you hear me say quite a lot in class, "What's happening outside in nature/prakriti, is happening on the inside too."

Spring is in full force here in the Pacific NW. The days are longer, the warm air is flush with potential, and our plant allies are deepening their roots as they grow tall reaching for sun. Mother Earth is growing her lush and colorful coat, and the smell of summer is beckoning. When we open our senses to truly experience nature, we become familiar with the qualities of the seasons (hot, bright and active, or cool, dark and quiet), the actions of the plants and animals (growing, reproducing, harvesting, storing or hibernating), the influence of the moon and the qualities associated with various parts of the day.

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Ayurveda - Tools to Cool

Ayurveda - Tools to Cool

In class, we’ve been exploring how the wisdom of Ayurveda can help us to tailor our yoga practice to suit the "energy" of the summer. Ayurveda, as the sister science of yoga, offers guidance to maintain physical and emotional health. It is based on three constitutions, or doshas, namely vata, pitta and kapha. Each of us has all three doshas, but usually one or two dominate.It’s thought that our dosha make up is determined at conception. However, many lifestyle-related factors influence our dosha balance, such as our diet, schedule, and our sleep and play habits. In addition, the time of day, the time of year, and the phase of life we are experiencing all alter our dosha cocktail.

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