
Got Anger?
Meditation, Off the Mat, Yoga, Yoga Psychology Emily Light Meditation, Off the Mat, Yoga, Yoga Psychology Emily Light

Got Anger?

Friends, we are in the midst of so much tragedy in our country and in the world. Extreme fires and hurricanes, neo-Nazis, DACA, North Korea, and so many more examples of natural and human destroyers. I don’t need to dive into the details here… you know them already, and there’s a lot of fuel to feed the fire of anger and to exacerbate anxiety. My intention in writing to you is to give you some tools to navigate these tumultuous emotional waters.

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Embody the Mind - A Tool for Orlando
Breath, Meditation, Yoga, Yoga Psychology Emily Light Breath, Meditation, Yoga, Yoga Psychology Emily Light

Embody the Mind - A Tool for Orlando

As I sit to write this month’s newsletter, all I can hear is my heart crying “Orlando”.How can I write about anything else? This colossal tragedy, loaded with misunderstanding, hate, violence, and murder, creates ripples that unsettle and affect all of us. When I first read the news my body was flooded with hot anger, then frozen with fear, followed by a core-deep feeling of grief. Each emotion occupied and saturated different parts of my body.

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