
Electrolyte Replacement Drink
I shared this recipe last summer, and here it is again, easy for you to find :)With all of the fun activities filling these hot, dry, summer months, it's important to relax and stay cool. Counteracting the effects of the elements we're exposed to, including the sun, is critical to our health. The following recipe is for an Ayurvedic, electrolyte replacement drink. This has SAVED MY LIFE a number of times last summer and with the Pacific NW heat wave that hit us for this last week, I'm pretty sure it's saved my life already some this year too.

Breathing and Digestion
I’ve struggled with my digestive system since I was a kid. Belly aches and pains were commonplace for much of my life. Because of this, I used to think of my digestive tract as my weak spot, but now I’ve come to see it as a useful barometer that tells me where I need to direct my attention. We can learn a lot listening to our gastrointestinal tract! I know I’m not digesting my food well if I don’t hear the process of digesting, or when my stomach and respiratory diaphragm feel tight and contracted.

Practice in Rhythm
Growing up in Wisconsin, the seasons are more distinct and fierce than in the Pacific NW. The summers are hotter and much sticker, the crispness of autumn is sharper, the winter sting is deeper, and the cabin fever which accompanies spring lasts months longer.As a young child, the rhythms of the seasons guided the rhythm of my life. I would play all day outside in the summer, then the cool breeze of fall would bring me indoors as the sun set, and remind me of coloring books and board games.